Tom Cadbury Bike Fitting Cadbury Physiotherapy Poole.jpg

A professional bike fit at Cadbury Physiotherapy will enable you to ride with the most efficient riding position to generate power whilst remaining aerodynamic, comfortable and injury free.

It will enable you to train for longer and more frequently whilst minimising the common cycling injuries associated with the knee, hip and lower back.

Tom Cadbury has a particular interest in cycling. He is a keen cyclist himself and also studied Sport Science  prior to qualifying as a Chartered Physiotherapist. He has been assessing and treating musculo-skeletal sports injuries for more than 15 years.

What does it Involve?

Full assessment of the rider including a comprehensive physical assessment and musculoskeletal screening to address any deficiencies or imbalances.

Assessment of the rider on the bike.

Adjustment of your riding position taking into consideration any deficiencies observed in the screening.

Individualised exercise program designed to improve your riding efficiency and minimise your risk of injury.

What do I bring?

Your bike
Cycling clothing 
Cycling shoes

Price: £95 for 60 minutes 


To book please email or call 07931 041 880